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how to install window builder in eclipse ?

Before we start working on Eclipse RCP we required the Window builder. Windows builder is not necessary to create the Eclipse RCP application. Using Windowbuilder, designing the RCP application will be more easy and comfortable, so Here I explain the steps to install Window Builder inEclipse environment. It is very easy to add Windw builder plug-in in it. Following are the steps.
Goto “help” -> “Install New Software…”

Enter following URLs as per the version of the Eclipse :
Eclipse 3.7 (Indigo)

Eclipse 3.6 (Helios)

Eclipse 3.5 (Galileo)

Click on “Next”

Click on “Next”

Select radio button for “I accept the terms of the license agreements”.
Click on Finish.
At the end (after installation completes), it will ask to restart the Eclipse. Click on Restart option and when it will start again, Window Builder will be there in the Eclipse environment.

How to check, the Window Builder is installed or not?
Right click on any Java file. Go to “Open With”. A Menu will appear, there you can see the option ”WindowBuilder Editor”.

It shows that Window Builder is successfully installed.

Following Books are good to Refer :


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